Mayanne Slouch Release
Hello Lovelies!!
September has just flown by and I can’t believe it’s October already. I guess that is one thing about the kids being back in school and having a semi-normal routine, time just seems to fly by.
Over here at A Knotty Habit Designs, I have been super busy with new fall crochet designs, planning fall colour options and organizing some really fun new products …. Ahem .… kit collaboration with a certain talented yarn dyer.
I can’t give much away right yet but it is going to be awesome!!!
So, I am going to switch gears here so I don’t spill the beans accidently but seriously, keep watching my social media for announcements.

Made by Crystal, Simply Smith Creations
What would you like to see from A Knotty Habit Designs this season?

Made by Crystal, Simply Smith Creations
The past couple of weeks, I have been all about hats! I want to make them all and make all of them in all the colours of the rainbow but that would require many more hours and more hands.
I am positive my crochet to do list will outlive me with how many patterns I want to try, things I want to design and crochet gifts I want to give.

Made by Amber Delsert

If you follow my social media, you may have already seen my new design, the Mayanne Slouch posted and I am so blown away with all the love it has been receiving.
I worked so hard to make this design unique and to stand out in the crowd and I wasn’t sure how it exactly it was going to go over but I was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming support shown for it.
The Mayanne Slouch
The Mayanne Slouch uses some of my favourite stitches which gives it a pop of gorgeous texture. The braid looks much harder to do than it actually is.
I write out step by step details on how to do it and once you get the hang of it, it’s smooth sailing.
It has a flipped brim to give it that classic luxury feel and it adds extra warmth, which is welcomed here in Alberta.

Made by Amber Delsert
Excitement has been rising all week with finished photos started rolling in from my lovely group of people who tested this pattern and seeing their colour choices and hearing their opinions just makes me so happy.
I honestly couldn’t design patterns with out my testers. They are the ones who make my patterns great!

Made by Tammy, Idaho Taylor Made
If you are a crochet pattern designer, thank your testers. Appreciate them because they are ones who get patterns to where they need to be. I’m so grateful for all that they do to help me make my patterns the best that they can be.

Find me on Facebook & Instagram!
If you are a pattern tester – THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you for going through and ensuring that patterns are correct, making Ravlery projects, sharing on social media and making the item.
You guys are an instrumental part of the process and I am so grateful.
Discount for Ravelry & Etsy!
While this sale is available to everyone, I wanted to do a little extra something for my blog readers and subscribers.
From now until October 4, 2020, if you use the code: AKHDOCT on my Ravelry and Etsy sites, you will receive 50% off one pattern of your choosing (excluding the newly released Mayanne Slouch).

There you have it!
I hope you all have a wonderful October weekend!
The photographs contained in the document are the property of A Knotty Habit Designs. You may not reproduce, redistribute or share any of the content contained herein. You may sell your finished items but please give credit to A Knotty Habit Designs.

Harlynn Cowl & Infinity

Thankful Gourd
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